Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Songs - I'm a Mini Karla

My sisters make fun of me, well... mostly Erica. But I love making up silly songs to sing with the girls. I thought I'd document them, so I never forget. I only wish I could convey the melodies!

This song was to remember, to always put the tag of your clothes in the back.
"Tag in the back, tag in the back.
We always put the tag in the back."

Song sung while on the way to Grandma's house.
"We're going to Grandma's house. Oh yes we are.
We're going to Grandma's house. Oh yes we are.
We're going to Grandma's house, it's true.
Oh Grandma, we love you!"

The I love my girls song.
"I love my baby girls.
I love my baby girls.
Yes, I do.
It is true!"

This song works with either bedtime or naptime. We use it for both.
"Bedtime. Bedtime.
Time for sleep. Time for sleep.
Bedtime. Bedtime.
Time for sleep, go to sleep."

Erica loves this one. It's tub time! This song started when the girls were babies and I was trying to make bathtime go smoothly. I bathed them one at a time and myself sat in the tub. However, I only put water in the baby bath between my legs. It's a silly song and I go really high pitch, but it's one of my favorites.
"We're in the tub. We're in the tub.
We're in the tub, we're in the tub!
We wash our hands. We wash our toes.
We wash our arms, we wash our nose!
We're in the tub!"

I'm pretty sure that is all. I hope you enjoyed them!